Thursday, December 23, 2010

Contacting My Op-ed Writer

Dear Emily,
hello! my name is Tori Pinna and I am a senior at Roncalli High School in Indianapolis, Indiana.  For my AP English class, we had to select an Op-ed writer, follow their articles, and blog about them. For my latest blog, i read your article, The Medical Revolution, and was asked to state your claim, concession, and reasoning. I was just wondering, do you have a personal connection to this issue, such as a relative or friend suffering from Parkinson's Disease? Also, I was wondering if you have heard of any updated cures or advances? As a final question, I was wondering if you have any articles you would recommend me to read? thanks!

Contacting my Op-Ed writer was actually very easy. I simply went to, clicked on her name, and next to all of her articles was a direct link to her email address. Unfortunately, i have not yet received a response from Emily Yoffe. However, if i do i will be sure to post it on here! i have learned that it can be very easy to contact a celebrity or program one is interested in. the sky is the limit!

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