Friday, December 17, 2010

The Medical Revolution

"Where are the cures promised by stem cells, gene therapy, and the human genome?"

Claim:"The disappointments are so acute in part because the promises have been so big". 
Concession: There really isn't a concession, they essay in its entirety speaks only of the ways in which the doctors have given many people false hope for cures and treatments for diseases.  

  • "Over the past two decades, we've been told that a new age of molecular medicine—using gene therapy, stem cells, and the knowledge gleaned from unlocking the human genome—would bring us medical miracles."
-As an example of this, she speaks of Dr. J. William Langston, a Parkinson's disease researcher. In 1999, he promised people that they would have a cure within five to ten years. After many years of findings, he realized that there would be no cure in his lifetime. 
-they felt that the "field of regenerative medicine seemed poised to make it possible for doctors to put healthy tissue in a damaged brain, reversing the destruction caused by the disease."

  • "Adding to the frustration is an endless stream of laboratory animals that are always getting healed... But humans keep experiencing suffering and death. Why? What explains the tremendous mismatch between expectation and reality? Are the cures really coming, just more slowly than expected? Or have scientists fundamentally misled us, and themselves, about the potential of new medical technologies?"
  • "The New York Times recently pointed out that 10 years after the first draft of the human genome was announced, the hoped-for ability to identify the genetic causes of our major killers such as cancer and heart disease has been mostly a bust."
My Claim: I agree with Emily Yoffe; i believe it is unfair of scientist to give people who go to bed praying for a cure every night a false chance for a cure. Scientists need to have solid proof of their findings and give people a realistic report of the findings, rather than tell people what they wish to hear.

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